Convert Markdown to HTML with Node.js
Convert a Markdown file into HTML, with code block syntax highlighting, using Node.js and asynchronously write the HTML string to a file.
Main Content
Send a POST Request Containing a GraphQL Query with the Fetch API
Use the Fetch API to send a POST request containing a GraphQL query to a GraphQL API server, and display the data that is returned.
Deploy a Jamstack website to Azure Blob Storage with GitHub Actions
Automate the build and deployment process of a Jamstack website using a static site generator with GitHub Actions and Azure Storage Static Website hosting.
Convert JSON to XML with the XML npm package
Read a JSON file with Node.js and use the XML npm package with TypeScript to convert JSON to an XML string and write the XML string to a file.
Create a Service Worker with TypeScript
Use TypeScript and the Service Worker Web API to create a service worker with a network first then cache caching strategy, that can show an offline page when no connection is available.